Celebrating 10 years of ReEstablish Richmond! image

Celebrating 10 years of ReEstablish Richmond!

Help us celebrate the past, respond to the present, and plan for the future!

$359,616 raised

$1,000,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Ten years ago, I remember standing in my classroom for the last time. I had spent 10 years teaching inside those same four walls, and I could not believe it was coming to an end. Nor could I imagine what the next 10 years would bring.

When Patrick Braford, founder of ReEstablish Richmond, asked if I would help out with his newly formed nonprofit, I had no idea what I was getting myself into or how much I had to learn. All I knew was that I was ready for a change and a new adventure.

Standing here now, in 2023, our team has much to celebrate! I am grateful for ReEstablish Richmond's growth and impact in these 10 years. I am beyond proud of what we (and the entire Richmond community) have built to welcome newcomers over the past decade.

As ReEstablish Richmond enters a new fiscal year and a new phase of our growth as a nonprofit, I invite you to celebrate with us by helping us meet our VERY audacious goal. We need to raise ONE MILLION dollars to meet our program budget this year. Thank you in advance for your support to ensure that we can continue this good work and stay on the path toward growing our impact in the decade to come.

Here's to 10 years!

Kate Ayers, Executive Director