Help us do big things for our newest neighbors in 2020-2021!
Your donation means so much to us. Here are some encouraging messages we received from clients in the last month:
- ReEstablish Richmond is a small organization but is doing such big things for us!
- Thanks a lot ReEstablish Richmond for your awesome work! Indeed this going to help a lots of persons. I really appreciate it.
- Just I wanted appreciate all your collaboration and efforts which all time for new arrivals and specially at this time.
Founded on the values of Equity, Justice, Collaboration, and Flexibility, ReEstablish Richmond is uniquely suited to respond to the needs of our refugee and immigrant clients during the COVID-19 crisis.
We have spent the last 10 years building community with our newest neighbors, and when the pandemic became a reality in Richmond, we were able to immediately address the needs of our client populations by:
- establishing regular contact with 35 liaisons from 10 client communities to check in with one another and exchange information
- creating a page on our website to house trusted and translated resources so our clients can access and understand the information needed to navigate this public health crisis
- continuing to run all of our programs virtually
- establishing an emergency rent assistance fund for our clients who have lost wages due to COVID-19
- planning an alternate World Refuge Day Celebration: we have made the difficult decision to cancel our in-person community resources fair this year. However, we are planning a series of virtual events that will connect our clients and larger Richmond community to resources, cultural activities, and storytelling in honor of World Refugee Day this June